Real estate in figures
real estate assets
properties in individual and portfolio transactions
occupancy rate
active institutional funds, club deals and single mandates
square metres of leasable space
Investment strategy
In the real estate asset class we have been offering bespoke solutions to meet the specialised needs of our investors since 1968. ESG aspects are now a fixed element in our due diligence and the value-added process with all our investment decisions. In this respect both our investors and tenants profit from our extensive market network in the real estate industry, the financial markets and the public sector. Our holistic asset management approach also includes the repositioning of existing properties, conversions and planning permission procurement, as well as numerous manage-to-green concepts.
In this manner we attain long-term sustainable value appreciation.

Real Estate Investment Highlights
We currently have over 100 properties under asset management for our investors in 10 countries.
Blue: Countries where the properties are located
Asset Locations
Investment Countries
Current real estate funds

As an Art. 9 fund according to SFDR, the KGAL Core 5 offers the opportunity to invest diversified and sustainably in European residential real estate and markets with a balanced risk strategy (80% Core, 20% Core+) and country allocation.
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Jonathan May
Head of Institutional Business International
Your contact for this fund
Real estate
and sustainability
Thanks to ESG measures we preserve value and ensure the long-term value appreciation of real estate for our investors. In this respect we follow the decarbonisation pathways of the acknowledged CRREM tools (Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor) and comply with fundamental governance standards. In September 2018 KGAL signed the Principles for Responsible Investment of the United Nations (“UN PRI”). As a UN PRI signatory ESG information is scrutinised by the PRI initiative in the course of the compulsory reporting. In cooperation with proptech companies such as Deepki and Westbridge Advisory we are digitalising the management of the properties we operate. Furthermore, we also focus on the social aspects of sustainability, by creating affordable housing throughout all of Europe for example.

News & Insights

Peter Windmeisser
Head of Portfolio Management Real Estate
Dr. Christian Nieraad
Head of Transaction ManagementReal Estate (Commercial)

Rainer Pohl
Head of Transaction ManagementReal Estate (Residential)

Other KGAL asset classes

Sustainable Infrastructure
Sustainable Infrastructure
Photovoltaic, wind power (onshore and offshore), green hydrogen and more: We are pioneers in this asset class.

As one of the largest asset managers for aircraft we structure tailor-made solutions for airlines and our investors.